Fake papers are “poisoning the well” for these gold-standard syntheses, researchers say Read More
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TaihanElecWire 11,310 DN 270 Daesang 20,450 DN 350 SKNetworks 4,345 DN 80 Hyundai M&F INS 26,600 DN...
An International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) team of experts today completed a review of long term operational...
SamsungHvyInd 11,620 DN 220 HDKSOE 204,500 DN 7,000 MS IND 11,580 DN 430 OCI Holdings 59,500 DN...
By Lauren Perkins When you think of NASA, disasters such as hurricanes may not be the first...
HANMISemi 74,600 DN 2,300 LGCHEM 284,000 DN 21,000 LG H&H 310,500 DN 9,500 KIWOOM 128,900 UP 300...
Ukraine’s three operating nuclear power plants (NPPs) reduced their electricity generation this morning following renewed attacks on...
HITEJINRO 20,900 DN 200 (END) Read More
Under the legislation put forward, assisted dying would be restricted to adults with a terminal illness who...
Sweden has formally asked Beijing to help clarify what happened when two data cables were damaged in...